Safety and Security Regulation
The legal framework underlying the CCAA's core functions
The 'Regeling nadere voorschriften toezicht luchtvaart" (P.B. 2015, no. 060), was enacted in October 2015 by Curacao's Minister of Traffic, Transport & Urban Planning. In the attachments to the P.B. 2015, no. 060, the Curaçao Civil Aviation Regulations (CCARs), are enacted which implement the standards and recommended practices (SARPs) as published in the ICAO Annexes of the Chicago convention. The CCARs are the regulatory standards which allows the CCAA to comply with the regulatory safety oversight responsibility.
Download the Ordinance
Attachments to the ordinance
- General Policies, Procedures, and Definitions
- Personnel Licensing
- Approved Training Organisations
- Aircraft Registration and Marking
- Airworthiness
- Approved Maintenance Organisation
- Instruments and Equipment
- Operations
- Air Operator Certification and Administration
- Commercial Air Transport by Foreign Air Operators within Curacao
- Aerial Work
- Tarieven Examengeld
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