

The CCAA is one of the executive departments of the Ministry of Traffic, Transport and Urban Planning (VVRP). The Organizational chart follows ICAO’s recommendation for smaller countries.

In order to perform the responsibilities of its mandate, the CCAA needs staff that is equipped to face the challenges of the future. Under the Director General’s leadership, the organization’s footprint will increase to almost 27 FTE. Training and capacity building will get a high priority in order to ensure that CCAA will employ qualified inspectors who meet international standards.

The CCAA has configured its organization along functional lines. Each division specializes in a given process or family of like processes, such as rule making, certification and oversight, etc.


Due to the size and complexity of the industry, and the cost effectiveness and efficiency, the CCAA has adopted the following organizational configuration:

  • Regulatory Affairs

The Regulatory Affairs division is the custodian of the processes related to rule-making. These include the development, maintenance and improvement of civil aviation related statutory and regulatory instruments. It involves stakeholder consultation, international and inter-departmental liaison, etc. Its primary function is rule-making.

  • Safety and Security Inspectorate

The Safety and Security Inspectorate division is the custodian of the processes related to the review of applications of several aviation documents, such as, the issuance or renewal of licenses (certificates, permits, authorizations, etc.), the approval or refusal thereof; and regulatory inspections, audits and enforcement. Its primary function is oversight.

  • Air Transport

The Air Transport division is the custodian of the processes related to the oversight of the sector. Its primary functions are economic policy, economic regulation and (financial) oversight

  • Safety Policy and Planning

Annex 19 of the Chicago Convention prescribes the establishment of a State Safety Programme (SSP) for all Contracting States. The Safety Policy and Planning division incorporates the functions and processes necessary for the development, implementation, maintenance and improvement of the State Safety Programme. It performs internal oversight and a system level risk aggregation that serves to inform on the overall safety health of the civil aviation system and identifies what actions needs to be taken to address any safety issues.

  • Corporate Services

The Corporate Services division performs functions related to human resource management, corporate communications, information management and information technology support, and other services. Its primary function is administrative support.

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The CCAA has transformed itself into an organization whose structure is based on processes defined by legislation, under the supervision of a Director General. It essentially accomplishes a government function. In this sense, it is bound by government policy, of which the implementation is delegated to the CCAA.

Financial Sustainability of CCAA

The key to a financially autonomous and effective CAA in Curaçao is the implementation of a mechanism that provides funding from sources within the sector. This ensures the financial viability, stability and continuation of the Authority.

The essential advantage of this funding mechanism is that it ensures sufficient and reliable funding.